Martín Carcasson, Ph.D., is a professor in the Communication Studies department of Colorado State University, the founder and director of the CSU Center for Public Deliberation (CPD). His research focuses on helping local communities address “wicked problems” more productively through improved public communication, community problem solving, and collaborative decision-making. The CPD is a practical, applied extension of his work, and functions as an impartial resource dedicated to enhancing local democracy in Northern Colorado. Dr. Carcasson and the CPD staff train students to serve as impartial facilitators, who then work with local governments, school districts, and community organizations to design, facilitate, and report on innovative projects and events on key community issues. In the fall of 2021, he helped launch the Northern Colorado Deliberative Journalism Project, which is working to support and reimagine local journalism through collaborative efforts that combine the best of journalism with deliberative principles.
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