Free Speech & Economics

Speaker on the economics of free speech and censorship. Clinical Professor of Economics with experience in the private sector.

Speaker's Title and Institutional/Organizational Affiliation: Clinical Professor of Economics, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Event Type :
Fireside Chat
Book Talk
Constitution Day Event
Classroom Visit
Debate, Forum, or HxConversation
Speaking Topics - List up to 5 specific topics or titles, each separated by a semicolon: free speech & free expression; economics; microeconomics; managerial economics
Blackout Dates (Dates speaker is unavailable, Days/Month/Year): Late December
Distance Willing to Travel: Any/No Limits to Travel Radius
Scholarly Area: Business
Modality of Event : In Person and/or Virtual
Willingness to be recorded: Willing
Speaking Fee (Not including travel/lodging expenses): Other (Contact Speaker for Fee)
Recent Appearance (1 of 5) -title, host institution, year: Why Should Students Care About Free Speech?, Samford University, 2023
Recent Appearance (2 of 5) -title, host institution, year: The Price of Censorship, Anti-Censorship Summit, 2023
Recent Appearance (3 of 5) -title, host institution, year: Why Should Students Care About Free Speech?, UNC Charlotte, 2023
Link to Speaker's Professional Website (to include sample writings and more extensive bio):